EXCELPrime Step Increaser
EXCELPrime is designed to be used as a connector between a freestanding oil, wood or coal burning stove and a masonry or metal chimney
Allowable Flue Gas Temperatures
Max Continuous 650°C (1200°F)
Brief Forced Firing 925°C (1700°F)
Tested To 1150°C (2100°F)
Clearance to Combustible Materials
EXCELPrime is certified for 18" clearance to combustible With the addition of a listed EXCELPrime Heat Shield, the clearance can be reduced to:
6" dia. - 4" clearance from the shield
7" & 8" dia. - 6" clearance from the shield
Single Wall: 24ga steel
Seam: Laser seam welded
Paint: Forrest “Stove Bright” flat black
Designed to increase the diameter of a system to accommodate a range of flue sizes, appliances and installations.
Note: Increasing chimney diameter can reduce draft and increase creosote formation. Be careful to use these components only when appropriate.
*Special Order. No returns on special order items.