EXCELiner Increasers and Reducers
EXCELiner is certified as a chimney liner for use on appliances that burn:
- Wood - Oil - Natural or LP Gas -
Allowable Flue Gas Temperatures
Max Continuous 650°C (1200°F)
Brief Forced Firing 925°C (1700°F)
Tested To 1150°C (2100°F)
Clearance to Combustible Materials
The clearance between EXCELiner and surrounding combustible and non-combustible materials varies with the type of installation. Please refer to the installation instructions for specific details for your application.
Single wall: .016" or .025" stainless steel (all tees are heavy gauge .025")
Seam: Continuous seam welded
Insulation: Optional (required for some applications) Foil backed ceramic liner
Designed to increase or reduce the size of an EXCELiner to accommodate a range of flue sizes, appliances and installations.
Note: Increasing or decreasing chimney size can have a negative impact of chimney performance and safety. Use these components only when appropriate.