Excel Wall Supports and Extended Wall Support
EXCEL chimney is specifically engineered for wood burning stoves, fireplaces and residential furnaces and it is suitable for use on appliances that burn:
- Wood - Oil - Coal - Gas - Charcoal -
Allowable Flue Gas Temperatures
Max Continuous 650°C (1200°F)
Brief Forced Firing 925°C (1700°F)
Tested To 1150°C (2100°F)
Clearance to Combustible Materials
2" clearance except in areas protected by factory-built supports certified for reduced clearance. EXCEL round and square supports permit the chimney to be installed with approximately 1 inch of clearance - in the area shielded by the support.
Flue: .016" stainless steel
Casing: .016" stainless steel
Seam: Interior and exterior seams are continuous
seam welded
Insulation: Thermoplus continuous blanket
Wall thickness: 1"
Paint: All black EXCEL components are painted with Forrest “Stove Bright” flat black paint
The wall support (EWS) is used to support a vertical chimney on a through-the-wall installation. The EXCEL Wall Support installs on the first length of chimney above the tee, (not below the tee, thus making it easier to fasten the support to framing, instead of into concrete). The Wall Support utilizes the universal band to fit 6, 7, & 8 inch chimneys. It is designed to slide in and out to fit a variety of wall profiles. The Wall Support is also used as a lateral support every 8 feet in height. The Extended Wall Support (EWSE) will allow the chimney to pass by a 12" overhang. It often eliminates the need to either offset a chimney around the overhang or cut and finish the soffit and fascia. One support is required every 8’, minimum of two per system. The Old Style Wall Support (EWS-R) is generally more complicated to install than the EWS. However it simplifies installations on irregular surfaces like vinyl siding.