Excel Roof Brace
EXCEL chimney is specifically engineered for wood burning stoves, fireplaces and residential furnaces and it is suitable for use on appliances that burn:
- Wood - Oil - Coal - Gas - Charcoal -
Allowable Flue Gas Temperatures
Max Continuous 650°C (1200°F)
Brief Forced Firing 925°C (1700°F)
Tested To 1150°C (2100°F)
Clearance to Combustible Materials
2" clearance except in areas protected by factory-built supports certified for reduced clearance. EXCEL round and square supports permit the chimney to be installed with approx. 1" of clearance - in the area shielded by the support.
Flue: .016" stainless steel
Casing: .016" stainless steel
Seam: Interior and exterior seams are continuous
seam welded
Insulation: Thermoplus continuous blanket
Wall thickness: 1"
Paint: All black EXCEL components are painted
with Forrest “Stove Bright” flat black paint
The roof brace is used to provide lateral support for a chimney which extends more than 5 feet above a roof. The roof brace utilizes a universal band to fit 6, 7 and 8 inch chimneys. The arms on the roof brace telescope from 5 ft. to 9 ft. long.