Manufactured: 1984
Serial Number: 18200 - 22199
Call for availability of other parts 800-522-8216
As per this manufacturer's policy, we cannot sell parts provided by Travis Industries, outside of our selling territory in New England
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Baffle Assembly |
First, note the numbered illustration, Figure 1.This illustration shows the proper sequence and arrangement that the brick must be installed. To install, first lay out the full brick. Position these bricks vertically in a ribbed fashion using the lower set of tabs and the angle iron. Next, locate and position the half brick between the full bricks. These bricks lay horizontally and fill the areas between the full bricks creating the channel baffle. To install the half brick is to follow these instructions and refer to Figure 2: Push the brick up between the full brick. Move brick forward in the angle shown. Drop the rear of the brick so it rests on the upper metal Push down on the front of the brick to secure it into the angle iron. |
Firebrick |
Place four firebricks along the back of the unit, under the brick retainer. Place eight firebricks along the floor of the unit as shown in the diagram Place two firebricks length wise along both sides of the unit. |
Lopi Model 380T Parts List