Stocked parts for the Jotul Sebago GF 400 DV gas stove are listed below
Call for availability of other parts 800-522-8216
Beauty and efficient operation come alive within the Jotul GF 400 DV Sebago. Handsomely detailed in cast iron, this stove's nautical styling recalls the coves and shores of Lake Sebago, locked amid the rock and pines of Maine. Incorporating Jotul's new revolutionary cast iron and stainless steel burner, the JotulBurner™, and Jotul Heat Fin™ technology makes the Jotul GF 400 DV Sebago the perfect medium size heater for any home.
- Revolutionary new JotulBurner™ delivers unsurpassed gas burner technology and flame picture realism
- Handcrafted ceramic fiber log set burns with the warm glow of a real wood fire
- Large fire viewing area with open door capability, an industry pioneer
- Jotul Heat Fin™ technology means great heating capacity with a minimum of heat loss
- Conversion kit included for use with propane gas
- No electricity required to operate stove